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New! Gee Swift - Moody Waves EP

With the current vinyl pressing situation Gee Swift decided that he wasn't worried about doing a vinyl issue of his new EP so we have released it as a streaming/download only release.

4 tracks in total and the whole EP is produced by The Aroma (Rola and DJ Rumage of the Numskullz) and features AE boss Mr Fantastic on turntable duty.

We have no control over streaming or digital distro services on costs except to select the minimum allowed but via our Bandcamp page the EP is set as free or 'let fans name their price' so if you want to grab it for free go ahead and enjoy the EP on us but if like some of our very generous fans you would like to send us a small donation towards costs that would also be very much appreciated. Also Bandcamp allows a much better choice of file type that the main services don't have such as FLAC.

It is available from our Bandcamp page, here:-

Also available from the main streaming services. The hyperlink page for multiple services is here:-

More news as soon as we have it on the next few releases - the next one, a 7" from Whirlwind D so stay tuned.

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